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Monday, October 28, 2013

Great Weight Loss Tips

1. Water should be your primary beverage:

Eliminate sugar drinks, "diet" drinks and sodas. This will immediately cause weight loss. Studies have shown that people can lose up to 10lbs just by giving up diet coke. Even without the calories, diet drinks contain Aspartame and artificial sweeteners, like Splenda. These are toxins in your body!

You can also mix a bit of freshly squeezed lemon into your water for a bit of a change in style and it's healthy as well!

2. Get rid of these 3:

White Flour, Refined Salt and White Sugar. Stay away from these 3 things and you will see a definite drop in weight and will immediately feel more energetic throughout the day.

Remember that only staying away from diet drinks can make you lose 10 lbs., just think if you stayed away from sugars altogether. You could see results faster than you think.

3. Seek healthy foods:

It's the same amount of "work" to go out and buy carrots and mixed greens for a healthy salad at home and shopping around for your favorite snacks at the supermarket. Consciously make the decision to seek out healthier foods and bring them into your home and make them a bigger part of every meal. You probably heard this before, but eat some vegetables instead of snacks. Once you start to do it, and keep it as a habit you will wonder why you hadn't started earlier.

Of course, there are more ways to start losing weight and an endless amount of tips. These are to get you started and to show you the task at hand isn't impossible! Good Luck!

For More Related Topics Blog: Acupuncture For Weightloss

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