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Sunday, September 29, 2013

3 Steps You Can Take Right Now For More Energy and Weight Loss

1. Get to Guzzling!

For More Related Topics Blog: Quick Easy Ways To Lose Weight

Fast Weight Loss Tricks - Try These 3 Easy But Extremely Powerful Tricks For Losing Pounds Very Fast

Losing weight is the battle, but trying to stay motivated to lose weight is the war! In order to stay motivated, the key is to make sure that whatever it is you are doing is not only effective and natural, but also simple. That being said, here are 3 super easy fast weight loss tricks to help you get an awesome body lightning fast!

Battling Hunger: Constant hunger pangs and those annoying craving urges are certainly something that can make people fail with their dieting efforts. To help get over this obstacle, what I recommend you do are 3 simple tricks to help curb your hunger pangs. Those 3 things are:

1.) Have either a glass of water or some type of food high in fiber or protein before your meals. Water, fiber, and protein will all help you feel fuller. For example, I usually would have a protein shake before my meals... and it worked like a charm!

2.) Chew your food slower.

3.) Wait at least 10-15 minutes after you have eaten. It takes that amount of time for your brain to send a signal to your body that you are full!

Increasing Your Metabolism: Having a fast metabolism is a surefire way to lose a lot of pounds quickly and easily. One way you can do this is by doing interval cardio. Interval cardio is where you will alternate between lower intensity aerobic workouts with higher intensity workouts. The reason this exercise trick works so well is because you get the best of both workouts wrapped into one! An example would be to sprint for 1 minute and then jog for 2 minutes, and then repeat this for 20-30 minutes for a total workout.

Trick Your Metabolism: Your metabolic rate will settle down and adjust to your daily eating habits... IF you eat the same way everyday. If your metabolic rate settles down, so will your progress with weight loss! So, to prevent this complacency from happening, what I recommend for you to do is to trick your metabolism into elevating to the maximum peak by rotating how many calories you eat and what types of nutrients you eat each day.

For More Related Topics Blog: How Much Water To Drink To Lose Weight

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Daily Weight Loss Video Tips

For More Related Topics Blog: What Is The Best Diet To Lose Weight Fast

Diet and Weight Loss - The Importance of Adequate Protein Consumption

For anyone trying to lose weight and get in better shape, consuming adequate protein is one of the best diet decisions you can make. Here are a couple of the benefits protein can have for anyone interested in fitness and health.

1. Protein helps fuel your muscles and more muscle mass helps burn calories even when you are at rest.

It has been proven that increasing your muscle mass will help you burn calories and lose more weight. However, your muscles require protein to grow. Your protein intake should be spread out throughout the day so that there is always adequate protein in the blood stream for your muscles to use. To ensure that there is always protein in your blood stream you should consume protein every 3 hours. Not only will this help your muscles recover, but you won't be as hungry throughout the day and will likely make better eating choices.

2. Protein fills you up and is less likely to be converted to fat and stored.

By now, if you are reading or watching anything relating to diet or weight loss, you have heard of the negative effects of simple carbohydrates and sugar. When simple carbs and sugar enter the body they are quickly and easily broken down and released into the blood stream. Unless you are just finishing a workout and your muscles energy stores are depleted, this sudden influx of carbohydrate into the blood will result in a spike of insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is used by the body to reduce the blood sugar back to normal levels by storing excess sugar as fat. This process repeated over time will lead to a noticeable increase in body fat, which nobody wants.

Protein doesn't have the same effect on the body. When it enters the blood stream there is little or no effect on Insulin release. Even excess amounts don't trigger fat accumulation as quickly as simple carbs and sugar.

Eating regular, protein rich meals throughout the day will help fuel your weight loss and keep you full enough to stay away from the sweets and other snack food.

For More Related Topics Blog: Gluten Free Weight Loss

Friday, September 27, 2013

Find it Impossible to Stick to a Weight Loss Plan? Read Ahead to Know How You Can Still Lose Weight

Do you have the tendency to go on diets only to lose control in a few days? You need tips on how to lose weight fast so that you have enough reasons to remain motivated.

We all persons start fasting, dieting, exercising and other such weight loss measures with a lot of optimism and faith. We visualize ourselves receiving admiring glances from handsome hunks or pretty women depending on our gender. Our enthusiasm lasts for not more than 48 hours. Within 2 days, we are back to our old ways. The chocolate doughnut in front of us holds more appeal than an admiring glance from pretty women after sixty days of starvation. That is the reason why one must find out how to lose weight fast.

How will quick results make a difference? Would you still eat that chocolate doughnut if the girl sitting beside the fat slob in the restaurant is eyeing you? When you feel that your attempts to lose weight are working, you will feel motivated to stick to the solution that you are following. If you take a look at your past, you will discover that you stuck to the weight loss regimen longest when results came quickest.

Hence, opt for those remedies that teach you how to lose weight fast. If you are going to focus on such remedies, tried and tested methods like running, exercising, dieting etc are of no use whatsoever. You have tried them in the past and they did not provide quick results.

If you want to find out how to lose weight fast, you should rely on new remedies that provide natural solutions to your problem.

Effectiveness Of HCG in Weight Loss

HCG weight loss shots are quite common and extremely popular among people who have failed to lose weight using other medications or diet plans. HCG which is also known as Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, is produced during the development of placenta and embryo. One of the primary functions of HCG is to maintain the formation of progesterone. For healthy pregnancy, HCG production is extremely important.

Most of us are quite aware of the fact that HCG weight loss shots, both in the form of oral drops and injections are effective for fat loss. HCG oral homeopathy drops and HCG injections are used for introducing HCG hormones in the body in order to lose weight. It was Dr. Simeons who found out through research that HCG hormones can be introduced in the body artificially and it is a great way to make people lose weight.

It was also proven by certain studies that HCG weight loss shots along with particular diet plans can actually help people to lose weight faster than many other weight loss techniques or medications. HCG shots are only effective if it is injected in the muscles just under the skin. However, it is recommended that it is better to get it done by professional or a doctor rather than self-injecting.

Dr. Simeon, in 1950 discovered a formula which showed that HCG weight loss shots along with a diet plan comprising of low carb can be really effective and can work wonders by reducing weight by one or two pounds a day. Moreover, HCG shots, both oral and injection will regulate body fat and will not affect lean tissues in the body and that is why people prefer these shots because these are completely safe.

Most people are of the opinion that HCG weight loss shots can make the weight loss procedure trouble free, easy and systematic. People who have used HCG shots also argue that these shots really boosts body metabolism which directly helps to lose weight. The HCG hormone acts in such a manner that individuals who have taken the shots can stay on 500 calorie diet per day.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Hollywood Baby Food Diet - $2 a Day Towards Dramatic Weight Loss

Does a Hollywood style baby food diet work for weight loss? Actually, yes... but you need to make a change to it for it to work for you. People like Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon have successfully used this diet to lose weight and look better for movie roles. Now I'll show you how you can benefit from it.

First off, baby puree is commonly used as a substitute for meals on most versions of the baby food diet. That's a huge mistake. There's not enough calories to make that work. Another thing is the fact that there is basically no chewing when it comes to baby foods... this hurts your ability to feel full after eating a baby food.

But don't worry, there's a way to use baby food in your diet to accelerate your weight loss.

Since baby puree is small (controls portion size), free of additives (healthy), and has a variety of flavors (relieves boredom)... it makes for the perfect snack. It's also cheap... about 40 cents for each jar. To make a baby food diet work for weight loss, use them only as snacks... not meal replacements.

So between meals, you simply eat 1-2 small jars of baby food. Eat a total of 5 jars a day for snacks. I personally eat mostly banana puree... mmm! Each jar has roughly 60 calories in it. So having 5 a day only sets you back 300 calories. A lot better than having chips or cookies for snacks!

This is what I want you to do. The next time you go to the grocery store, go down the baby food aisle and get 5-10 jars of the 4-ounce baby food. Then just try eating them for snacks. You don't even need to eat 5 a day, just try eating 2 for a snack before or after lunch. Then go from there. This isn't a quick weight loss type of diet, but the Hollywood Baby Food Diet definitely is worth considering for weight loss.

Free Weight Loss Tips - The Secrets to Taking it Off and Keeping it Off

Did you gain weight over the holidays? I used to answer yes to that question but now, I don't put on the pounds the way I used to. So, I am going to give you some of the free weight loss tips that helped me lose weight.

Whether you are eating at home, going to a restaurant, party or wedding, these free weight loss tips will make losing weight seem almost effortless:

Do not skip breakfast! Your body needs fuel to start the day.

Use egg whites to make an omelet or scrambled eggs. If you're not used to eggs whites, include one yolk with the whites. Watch the portions at family restaurants, the servings are huge. Eat half, take the other half home.


Don't order the special, order a la carte. If you do get the special, place half of it in a takeout container. Start with soup or salad, drink a glass of water and eat slowly.

If you are still hungry and absolutely must have a burger, get fresh not frozen, grilled or broiled and top with leaf lettuce (shredded lettuce is just so wrong) and tomato only. If getting a fresh burger is not an option, get the kid's meal. For dessert, order fresh fruit or sorbet. If you want to rev up your weight loss, skip dessert and chew a stick of gum instead.

Most of the free weight loss tips that I share are about how to eat at restaurants because this is where we have the least amount of control over food preparation.

So, let's talk about the things we do have control over:

Be kind to yourself. Don't weigh yourself every morning unless you are competing and need to be in a certain weight class.

Shop the perimeter of the grocery store: produce, meats, diary. Everything in the inner aisles is processed. With the exception of some baking goods and detergent, stay away from anything in a box and do your best to avoid the inner aisles.

And the most important free weight loss tip I have is to get plenty of sleep. Sleep is a restorative. After a day of working, working out and being diet conscious, take advantage of the easiest part of the process. Sleep.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Can You Lose Weight With Hoodia Weight Loss Pills?

Hoodia weight loss pills have become very popular these days. On one hand, they are usually natural products, a lot of people would like to go for this idea when it comes to pound loss. People do not really want to take diet pills which are not natural since there can be a lot of side effects. On the other hand, this kind of products is reported widely on various TV shows. One of the examples of these shows is 60 minutes. All these make people consider it in order to lose weight.

In fact, you may wonder if you can actually lose weight with Hoodia weight loss pills. The answer is a YES. However, you have to be very careful when you choose the products. You have to discover some facts about the products before you use them.

First of all, you have to know how this kind of diet pills works. As a matter of fact, the pills can help to suppress your appetite. You will eat less food and this is why you will be losing weight. It is the P57 molecules which reduce your hunger. Hoodia plants have been used by the San tribe in South Africa for centuries in order to suppress appetites. To this end, you may understand that this kind of plants will really work.

Since Hoodia weight loss pills are made from plants, they are certainly natural products. However, there are also a lot of fake products out there. As a result, you have to choose the products very carefully. When you are purchasing a product, you should go to the official website of the product and purchase.

Though you can lose weight with Hoodia diet pills, you have to be very careful when you choose. Not all these products are equal. You have to make sure that you will use 100% pure Hoodia products. This will make sure that you will be losing weight easily with the product.

Daily Weight Loss Video Tips

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A New Weight Loss Plan and a New Job Go Hand in Hand

If you are one of the thousands of people who started a new

Keys To Permanent Weight Loss

Are you tired of throwing your hard earned cash at these fly by night weight loss schemes only to find out they do not work or you loose some weight to only have it come back at you 10 fold? Well, the hard facts are that these companies pray on your dream of the wonder pill or drink. After you pay for their product, you wonder why it doesn't work. They promise that all you have to do is take their product and the pounds melt away...Yeah, right.

Well, I am here to tell you that there is only one way to loose those unwanted pounds and keep them off for good. And that is by changing your eating habits and doing some sort of exercise.

Now, changing your eating habits does not mean counting calories or carbohydrates or anything like that. It means eating balanced healthy meals, and instead of "woofing" the meals down, chew them sufficiently (rule of thumb is 21 times), if you use a large spoon, change to a small spoon, and try to eat at the same time everyday. Also, snack between each meal. But make sure the snacks are healthy, like cut veggies, popcorn, or fruits. Drink plenty of fluids, water or tea is best. This alone will start the weight loss process in the right direction.

However, it won't be enough. Now comes the exercise. I am not talking about grueling crunches, bench presses, running for hours on end. No, what I am referring to is something more than what you are doing already. In other words, if you already walk to the kitchen for a glass of tea or water, walk around the house on your way to the kitchen. Next thing you know, you will be walking around the block and feeling real good about your self. So, all you need to do is more than you already are.